May 19, 2023Liked by Zak Scott

So much to learn by observation, experience and access to the conclusions of others. All of it is fascinating. I'm impressed by your intervention with the sheep, also making and using a lassoo in the middle of the night! Have you thought of asking experienced neighbours to look with you at the composition of the pasture? There might be a plant or a combination of plants growing at that time of year that are known to cause bloating. My grandparents kept rabbits for the table and I loved gathering greens for them - dandelions, plantago, chickweed. But it was drilled into me that the tiniest bit of scarlet pimpernel (anagalis arvensis, easily confused with chickweed for a 4 year-old), would kill them. Perhaps that's why I learnt early to observe plants closely!

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I'm speaking with others, as far as I can tell, it's an issue at this time of year with all of the fresh growth of the grass. We know some people with a goat farm - they have over 90 goats - and it's not unusual that they lose one or two of the young ones. We'll have to see how it is next year if we get Lambs. I think that since the flock is so small I have a better chance of preventing this by observation. I'll look further into the composition of the pasture.

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Wow, scary and such quick thinking and doing!

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